Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will We Have our 1st African-American President?

Barack Obama could possibly be the first African-American President in United States history. On Tuesday when Hillary Clinton dropped out of the Democratic presidential race, Obama officially clenched the Democratic nomination for the presidency. Bill Clinton had a strong following from his presidency, helping support his presidential hopeful wife, Hillary. Obama revealed during his campaign that he sometimes believed that he was fighting for the votes from his opponent's husband rather than her. Many questions were raised as to the abilities of Obama, his experience, his lack of directness, his race, but all have been overcome at this point. He has proved every critic wrong and become the presidential nominee. But coming back to the "1st African-American President," means that in today's day and age we are still caring about race. I feel that too much of this Democratic primary has been focused on race relations, and not enough on the specific topics relating to the American public. Shouldn't by this point in the time of "unity and equality," we not look at race or religion, but rather just the abilities of the candidate?!

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