Thursday, June 26, 2008

Was it the woman or the Clinton?

I have heard conversations and arguments about the reason why Hillary Clinton lost the Democratic presidential nominee race. One that has come up the most and surprised me by far, is she lost because she is a woman. I couldn't disagree with this statement more. If you honestly believe that people were casting their vote based on the sex of the nominee, you need to rethink the real issues in politics. It's about what candidate can and mostly fully fulfill the duties as president. Its about policies, and goals, and where they think they can take the country during their term. Politics isn't based on equality, its based on the ability's of a person.
I feel the reason why Hillary Clinton lost, is the past history of her last name. The President of the United States is supposed to be a representative of every American person in the public. Who wants someone representing them that is knowingly sleeping around, and not taking his job seriously? Who wants a representative that lies to you under oath? We've already had one bad Clinton represent the American people in office, why would we want two?

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