Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Out of Iraq

I believe the United States national government needs to set up a five year plan to get out of Iraq and stick to it. I know that we have started to try and set up a democratic system of government there, holding elections and having public officials voted by the people, but why is the government so dependent on U.S. forces to help maintain peace and order? Right now I believe the United States has too much influence on the government. I feel that we are trying to force something onto a country that has been forced in the recent past to abide to an autocratic leader's every wish. We in a way are forcing our beliefs and political views on a society that has never had freedom of choice in their entire lives. Why cant we let the people in Iraq choose their own system of government?
I also feel that the men and women of the United States military are also suffering from our government's choice to stay in Iraq. Tours of duty are being doubled and tripled for some regiments, and I think that is hindering the effectiveness of our troops. Without the comforts of home and family, moral starts to drop, and the drive of the soldiers lowers as well. I think that there needs to be shorter deployments for troops, so that revived men and women can go back overseas to help fight, rather than tired and lonesome soldiers staying.
We need to get out of Iraq as quickly as possible because the longer we stay the more dependant the government will be on our national government to assist in regulations and safety of the public.

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