Thursday, June 26, 2008

Are we getting our rights?

In the Supreme Court now there is a case pending on the legality of a gun sweep throughout the United States. The main question and concern is would it be impending on our second amendment rights to bear arms. The right to bear arms has been a long standing issue on capital hill, particularly the debate to allow concealed handgun licenses (CHL).
I feel that it is a natural right to bear arms, whether it be for pleasure or protection. Many people depend on a rifle to feed their families. There is a natural right to protect yourself and those who surround you as well. I do understand the argument against concealed handgun licenses, however I don't believe that they are not needed. There are a lot of people who would have no way of defending themselves in particular situations without a handgun. My best friend's father got a gun pointed at him in his work parking lot when he was getting into his truck. He let the man get in and the pulled out his own gun and shot his front tire out and pointed it the man who was trying to steal it. The guy dropped his gun and ran off. If he hadn't had his CHL he would have gotten his truck stolen, and would not have been able to do anything about it.
The right to bear arms has been a mantra of this country since its very beginnings. To defend farms and cattle men always had a rifle at their side in the plains. The Indians developed strict tactical methods and weaponry to defend their villages. The natural instinct to be capable of defending ourselves has been around for thousands of years, meaning its not going to leave us now in the modern day.

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