Monday, June 23, 2008

Stage Six

If the country began to set up new oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico it would cause in instant increase in pollution. That increase would kill more fish, harm the natural habitats and coral reefs, and risk extinction for some species that live in close proximity to the wells. I think that it is an absurd idea to knowingly increase the amount of pollution in the largest body of water on the face of the planet.
I don't disagree that oil and gas prices have become ridiculous, but I think that this time period of constantly increasing prices will be a short one. Automobile sales are at a ten year all-time low. More people are starting to use public transportation, or carpool and make gas more efficient. Other people find other means like bicycles, scooters, or electric vehicles that use little or no gas to react to rising oil prices. Companies are becoming more "green" and starting to recycle, or use recycled products. Most people are doing their part to conserve energy to avoid rising prices.
I believe that this will be a short time period of inflation and rising prices in the trade market, and eventually end up back in a stable economy. With reasonable prices and more effecient ways of conserving energy and the natural resources needed for the world to operate, the world will be a cooperating community working together to make living affordable. I don't believe there is a true need to drill off the shores in the gulf, because it will just cause competition and prices to keep increasing.

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